Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church
17230 Tom Fox Avenue Poolesville, MD 20837
Parish Information
Welcome to Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church. We are so happy you have found us! Our church is located at 17230 Tom Fox Avenue in Poolesville, Maryland. We are a small and tight-knit community approximately 45 minutes outside Washington, D.C. Please feel free to contact our parish office for information or to speak to our parish priest, Fr. Justin Huber. We hope to see you soon.
Our Church is more than just Sunday Mass. There are other things happening in our community, even as we navigate. Check out our events by taking a look at this week's bulletin.
Weather Policy
When Montgomery County Public Schools are closed or delayed, there will be no morning daily mass. Changes and other circumstances will be posted to the website as necessary.
Online Masses
If you are uncomfortable attending Sunday Mass in person, head to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Sundays at 12pm for a live-streamed mass.
Mass, Adoration & Confession
Mass Times
Daily Mass - OLP Church
8:30am - All days except Wednesday and Sunday
7:30pm - Wednesdays
Saturday (Sunday Vigil)
5:30pm - OLP Church
8:00am - OLP Church
10:45am - OLP Church
Go to: Catholic Church Finder to find Mass times in other areas
Confession Times
4:00pm-4:45pm - Church
8:00pm-9:00pm - Church
After Masses - By Request
Adoration Times
Wednesday evenings - OLP Church - Immediately following Mass for one hour
The Church and Chapel are otherwise closed. For chapel access, contact the parish office.
Online Giving
Donations via Check
Donations by check or cash may be made at the offertory during weekend masses or by sending your donation to the address below.
Staying Connected
Parish Mailing List
*Snow Cancellation Policy
Generally we try not to cancel Mass unless the weather poses a potential danger. If Mass or another event is cancelled, the cancellation will be posted here on the parish website at least 45 minutes before the scheduled event. If there is no cancellation notice, it is safe to assume that the event is not cancelled.
Spiritual Resources
Mailing address
P.O. Box 1
Poolesville, MD 20837
17230 Tom Fox Avenue
Poolesville, MD 20837
Rectory, Office and Chapel:
17220 Tom Fox Avenue
Poolesville, MD 20837
Office Hours: M-Th 9am-1pm
Phone: 301-349-2045