Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church
Catholics Returning Home

So you left Church out of frustration over a message and an ideology you couldn't
accept and nobody cared to listen. Or the behavior you noticed was such a contradiction. Perhaps someone you dearly loved was hurt or worse died and God was silent. You waited and waited for change but change never came. You felt like slowly but surely everything was falling apart and you just couldn't stay and watch. No matter how hard you tried to be interested, you couldn't keep your eyes and ears open long enough to matter and so you left or just didn't come back. Worse yet, you're still here but you're not.
What ever your case may be, you can still find that which is missing. That moment in time, when you could laugh and enjoy life. The moment when you sit by yourself thinking and suddenly smile about it.
You are loved by someone. You are loved by God. Just as your friend would never force himself upon you when you wanted to be alone, or just as your friend wouldn't just come on over to your house without feeling welcome, so too, God in the same way loves you so much that he would never force himself into your life. While God is with you always, the great friendship is missing.
Feed the body yet starve the soul means that at some point if your inner most being is left separated from God with no relationship, it will slowly kill the body as well. Maybe not physically but spiritually.
Come home! Forgive! Don't expect God's children to be perfect, because this is exactly why we needed Jesus!