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Liturgy Volunteers

The Liturgy Volunteers are those who directly assist in the celebration of the Mass. These include altar servers, lectors, ushers, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion.

Altar Servers have a very special role in the Mass; they have the unique opportunity to serve Jesus by setting His table for the heavenly feast and to minister to Him in the person of the priest. They stand very close by Jesus' side; that is, by serving Him in the Eucharist,  and are an example as to how one should conduct oneself during the Mass.

Lectors read the Word of God and present to the Lord the prayers of the Faithful. If you have a strong voice and would like to bring the Word to the people, consider becoming a lector!

Ushers greet and serve the people by holding open doors, collecting the offertory money, guiding the line for Holy Communion, and handing out bulletins. Their job is to make people feel welcome, and have all of the practical things run smoothly.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are un-ordained men and women who, when there is a lack of ordained priests and deacons, help administer the Body and Blood of Jesus at Communion time. They are called “extraordinary ministers” because the duty is not of a nature that was designed for un-ordained persons, whereas priests and deacons are specially ordained to touch the Precious Body and Blood, and are therefore called “ordinary ministers.”

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